Posts by: Editorial team

OncNGS enters Phase 3 of the PCP with two innovative solutions for cancer NGS testing
The Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project OncNGS has entered its final phase with two cutting-edge solutions for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) cancer tests. The Call-off for Phase[…]

oncNGS consortium conducted site visits to phase 2 contractors
On the 14, 20 and 26 March 2024, the monitoring team of the oncNGS consortium conducted three site visits on the premises (laboratory) of the[…]

OncNGS has entered in prototyping phase (Phase 2) with the selection of three innovative approaches for future Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) tests for cancer
The Call-off for Phase 2 was launched in early July 2023 where four successful suppliers from Phase 1 were invited to submit an offer. […]

The oncNGS consortium selects 4 innovative ideas for the research and development of Next Generation Sequencing solutions for cancer tests
The eight procurers of the oncNGS consortium, representing healthcare providers from Belgium, Italy, France, Spain and Germany, selected four novel approaches for NGS cancer tests,[…]

The oncNGS call for tenders is open!
The oncNGS consortium is delighted to announce that our oncNGS PCP call for tender is now open for submission at TED (Tenders Electronic Daily), the[…]

oncNGS Suppliers Information Day 29.06.2022 – Video and presentation available!
Before the launch of the new oncNGS pre-commercial procurement call for tenders, the oncNGS consortium organised a Suppliers Information Day on the 29th June 2022.[…]

New call for tenders to be launched & suppliers information day 29/06/2022
The OncNGS consortium launched a Call for Tender in December 2021. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, the current Tender procedure is closed and a new Call[…]

oncNGS – Spring update
OncNGS partners took the advantage of the improvement of the COVID situation across Europe to have two face to face meetings, one in Barcelona and[…]

oncNGS Call for tender: deadline extended & other updates
Please find below the last updates of the oncNGS PCP Call for tender process: The deadline to answer the Call for Tender has been extended![…]