New call for tenders to be launched & suppliers information day 29/06/2022

The OncNGS consortium launched a Call for Tender in December 2021. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, the current Tender procedure is closed and a new Call for Tender will be launched soon.
These unforeseen circumstances gave us the opportunity to make some changes to the oncNGS tender documents.
In this regard, we are organizing an oncNGS Suppliers Information day to be held on June 29 from 5 to 6:30 pm. During this session we will update you on the Call for Tender text updates that have been put in place compared to previous version
Register here for the suppliers information day!
For the OncNGS buyers group this is a strategic procurement: suppliers successful to deliver OncNGS pre-commercial solutions will have the opportunity to completely transform cancer patients experience increasing OncNGS buyers’ diagnosis, prognosis and theranosis capabilities. The implemented modification to the tender documents are expected to strengthen these opportunities.
Stay tuned for more information! Follow us on Twitter, join our network on LinkedIn!
Update 04/07/2022: The recording and presentation of the oncNGS suppliers information day are now available! Learn more.
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