OncNGS has entered in prototyping phase (Phase 2) with the selection of three innovative approaches for future Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) tests for cancer

The Call-off for Phase 2 was launched in early July 2023 where four successful suppliers from Phase 1 were invited to submit an offer.
OncNGS procurers’ team, representing healthcare providers from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Spain, selected three suppliers to proceed to a phase of prototype development after a thorough evaluation process.
The contracts were awarded to:
· HUFIAT CANCER LIQUIDATION – Consortium members: Euformatics Oy (lead tenderer), Oncompas Medicine, ViennaLab Diagnostics
Since August 31 2023, awarded suppliers have been invited to start Phase 2 and further research and develop working prototypes, over a period of twelve months.
After the evaluation that will follow the end of this period, the successful contractors will be invited to submit an offer for Phase 3, in which the developed prototypes will move forward to clinical testing at the procurer’s sites.
The call-off: moving from four designed solutions to three working prototypes
The oncNGS call-off is an evaluation process that is used in the PCP to select the best approaches and offer them a chance to continue into the next phase of research and development.
Among the offers received during the initial oncNGS call for tender (2022), four innovative proposals were selected and awarded contracts for Phase 1 in January 2023. In the past few months, these 4 suppliers worked on demonstrating the technical, medical, financial and commercial feasibility of the proposed concepts and approaches to meet the procurement requirements. Following the Call-off for Phase 2, three approaches have been selected.
From the design to a functioning system
The design that suppliers envisioned in Phase 1 will now turn into a reality. A functioning system will be developed by the suppliers in collaboration with the procuring healthcare providers over the next 12 months. The aim is to verify if the prototype’s main features meet the functional requirements and the expected performance while ensuring the solution is user-centred.
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