oncNGS Call for tender: deadline extended & other updates

Please find below the last updates of the oncNGS PCP Call for tender process:
The deadline to answer the Call for Tender has been extended!
The call for tender was originally launched until the 2nd of February. The deadline has been extended for one week, until the 7th of February 2022.
Find here all the information about the Call for Tender.
Any question? Please use the contact form of our website. The answer will be prepared among procurers and published in the FAQ page of our website anonymously so that any interested party can benefit from the information as well, thus respecting the principle of non-discrimination, transparency and equal treatment. Please check if your question is not already answered on this page before asking.
New questions added to our FAQ!
8 new questions have recently been answered and published on our « Frequently Asked Questions » page. Other questions are currently being answered and will soon be published. The next updates of the FAQ will be announced on our social media channels Twitter and LinkedIn. Stay tuned!
New company added to our matchmaking page!
Several new companies have recently expressing their interest to be added to our matchmaking page to find partners to answer the oncNGS call for tender. Have a look here! If you are interested in forming a consortium or finding a partner, you can directly contact the companies mentioned on our matchmaking page and/or ask us to be added on this page to be found by other companies, by following the instruction written on this page.
Don’t miss a thing!
Stay tuned about the progress of the oncNGS PCP project. Follow us on:
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