oncNGS Open Market Consultation (OMC)

The oncNGS PCP project launch its Open Market Consultation!
oncNGS aims to trigger through a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) new solutions to be developed and tested to address the following challenge: successful implementation in routine clinical care practice of large “cellular free DNA” molecular diagnostics based on NGS technology by providing an integrated, cost-efficient and standardized sequencing and analytical data interpretation and reporting system in various oncology care settings in the EU.
All interested operators are invited to take part in an open market consultation (OMC), regardless of their geographic location, the size or governance structure of their organization. The OMC will provide you an overview on the procurement objectives, the PCP process and the main clauses of the contract. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions. It will be held in English.
About the OMC:
In the Open Market Consultation we wish to interact with the market in order to better understand the market maturity to satisfy the desired common minimum requirements, the regulatory & standardization environment, the market readiness to realistically address buyers business case and accept the envisaged contracts set-up. The market inputs will allow us to tailor the required oncNGS solution and facilitate the development of the overall tender specifications and procedure.
The oncNGS OMC is a three-steps process – firstly, a detailed presentation at online open events by the oncNGS consortium, secondly, a questionnaire to allow broad response by the widest range of stakeholders, and thirdly, online meetings interviews with each respondent to the questionnaire.
Step 1: Online open events
The online open events will present a general introduction to the oncNGS PCP ; the benefits of oncNGS (patient, health professionals, healthcare systems) ; the technical challenges ; the oncNGS PCP procedure.
It will be opened on:
- 04 may (cancelled)
- 05 may (cancelled)
- 11 may (morning)
- 12 may (afternoon)
Meetings will take about 1.5h and are organized using a common online tool – a link to the meeting will be send to all registered persons. Prior registration is required and can be done here or below:
Questions asked by stakeholders at the OMC online events will be collected via the chat and responded collectively and the answers will be published on the oncNGS website.
Step 2 : Questionnaire
The oncNGS questionnaire will be opened online on the oncNGS website as from May 13 and will remain open till May 20. Deadline for questionnaire completion: May 20.
Step 3: Online meetings with each respondent to the questionnaire
Respondent will be able to book a meeting through the link provided by the questionnaire and on a first come first served basis. The meetings will take place during the weeks from May 21st 2021 to May 28 2021. These meetings will be held with the unique purpose to offer the economic operators to explain more in details their responses to the questionnaires.
More information and last updates about the Open Market Consultation will be availabe on the dedicated page of our website: https://oncngs.eu/index.php/omc/
Nota Bene:
Any economic operator can participate in the PCP call for tender even if it did not participate in the open market consultation.
Offers will be accepted only in English. All communication (before, during and after the procurement) will be carried out in English.
All information provided during the open market consultation and other background information will be summarized and published online in English on the project website. Any economic operator can participate in the PCP call for tender even if it did not participate in the open market consultation. Offers will be accepted only in English. All communication (before, during and after the procurement) will be carried out in English. Participation in the open market consultation will not be a requirement to submit a proposal to the tender, does not lead to any rights or privileges for the participants, and is not part of any pre-qualification or selection process.
This procurement receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement n° 874467. The EU has given a grant for this procurement, but is not participating as a contracting authority in the procurement.
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